What is Auto-Staking?

With Leonidas Finance, Auto-Staking is exactly what it sounds like. Simply holding the $LEO token in your wallet, regardless of where you got it from, generates more $LEO tokens for you.

So where does our 383,025.80% FIX APY come from?

Every 15 minutes, the token would rebase and give you 0.0228% of your total $LEO FOR FREE. Assuming you do not add or remove any tokens from your wallet, with autocompounding being the 8th wonder of the world, after one year you will have approximately 383,025.80% of the token amount you started with.

How does this work? It’s coded into the smart contract! To simplify the process, the token essentially airdrops you more tokens into your wallet every 15 minutes depending on how many $ tokens you currently have.

Last updated