What is Liquidity Node?
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Leonidas Finance can proudly claim that we are the first to create the concept of Liquidity Node:
So what is Liquidity Node?
By preventing our users from removing $LEO-AVAX LP after creating one, we have created and utilized our Liquid-Staking model into a Liquidity Node model. By staking this non-removable LP, you can earn up to 100% DAILY APR, while having the ability to print you income FOREVER.
Liquidity Nodes Benefits
More Trading Liquidity
High APR
Extra price stability
In sum, we have created an even more stable version of nodes since the buying power to get more liquidity/nodes will now be providing more non-removable liquidity for $LEO, thus increasing the sustainability of the token.
We have since updated the UI to incorporate these features:
1. Give a warning that ur liquidity is locked forever.
2. Auto lock your lp for 90 days so you get max APR.